The Jewish War

Who is Aristobulus from The Jewish War and what is their importance?

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Aristobulus is a name used by four individuals in The Jewish War. Earliest was the eldest son of John Hyrcanus who was third son of Simon and a high priest like his father. John died after thirty-one years in political power when his eldest son Aristobulus I turned the constitution into a monarchy and put three brothers and his mother in jail for contesting his supremacy. At his death a brother Alexander ruled twenty-seven years and left the throne to Alexandra his wife. She appointed her oldest son Hyrcanus high priest and kept impulsive younger son Aristobulus hidden. When she got sick, Aristobulus II also seized power. Hyrcanus kept his wife and children as hostage until he abdicated and agreed Aristobulus was king. Antipater disliked Aristobulus II and urged Hyrcanus to get help from Arab king Aretas to regain his throne. Aristobulus II killed Antipater's brother Phallion and Pompey made him justify his claim to the throne that he was unable to do. He left for Jerusalem but Pompey captured him. Conflict with Aristobulus' supporters demanding war and their king's rescue and Hyrcanus' supporters with Antipater who was Herod's father resulted. Herod married Mariamme I, the daughter of Aristobulus' son Alexander. Her sons Aristobulus and Alexander were accused of a plot against Herod and they resented Antipater, Herod's oldest son by Doris. Herod put Aristobulus and Alexander in solitary confinement and ordered them strangled. The fourth Aristobulus was a son of Herod of Chalcis.


The Jewish War