The Virgin's Lover

Who is Amy Dudley from The Virgin's Lover and what is their importance?

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Amy Dudley, once Amy Robsart, is the long suffering wife of Robert Dudley at the beginning of the book. She was born to a notable Norfolk family, the Robsarts, and is slightly older then her husband. During the course of their courtship, it is revealed that Robert Dudley fell in love with Amy while still a youth and was completely enamored of her, turning away from his family and the wishes of his father to marry her.
What followed was the Dudleys fall from grace and Robert's subsequent imprisonment in the Tower for treason against Queen Mary. Amy stayed with him through all of those dark times, suffering insults and the shame and was forced to return to her stepmother's estate in her poverty. Despite her stepmother, the Lady Robsart, despising her husband, Amy apparently dedicated herself to the farm, learning how to manage it well, and supporting her husband as he sought to regain his position and favor at court.