The Patron Saint of Liars

What is the author's style in The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett?

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The point of view of this novel is first person. Each section of the novel is written from the point of view of a different character, but only that character narrates his or her own section. The first person point of view allows the reader to see an intimate side of each of these characters that is not available when another character is the narrator, therefore the writer is able to bring the reader close to each main character while still utilizing the highly intimate first person point of view.

The novel is divided into four parts, each titled with the name of the character who handles the narration for that section. Each part has its own set of numbered chapters, each chapter containing as many as fifty to sixty pages each. The novel is written in exposition and dialogue and also contains a great deal of inner monologue, especially in Son's section in which he tells the story of his life before he came to St. Elizabeth's.


The Patron Saint of Liars