The Last of the Sky Pirates

Who is Twig from The Last of the Sky Pirates and what is their importance?

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Twig is the last sky pirate captain. He is also a friend to the banderbears. Rook meets Twig at the Great Convocation of the Banderbears in the Valley of a Thousand Echoes. He tells Rook about his history, specifically about his search for Riverrise. Twig is surprised to learn that Cowlquape is still alive, and he leads a crew to the Edgelands where he left his sky ship, Skyraider. From the Edgelands, the group flies to the Tower of Night where Twig and the banderbears distract the Guardians of Night by attacking the tower while Rook sneaks into the dungeons and frees Cowlquape. Twig is injured when hit by Orbix Xaxis's arrow and chooses to die with his sinking ship. A caterbird, however, swoops in to rescue him at the last minute and takes him to the restorative waters of Riverrise.


The Last of the Sky Pirates