The Forgotten Soldier

Hello, What quotes support the theme of deteriorating mental health in "The Forgotten Soldier"? I understand you have a quotes page, but not all the quotes are relevant to my specific theme. Henry

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From the text:

He would never have believed me. By that time I belonged to the Victorious Allies, who were all heroes, like every French soldier I met after the war. Only victors have stories to tell. We, the vanquished, were all cowards and weaklings by then, whose memories, fears, and enthusiasms should not be remembered.

I feel now as though I was born to experience that test. Memel had become the summit of my life, the ultimate peak, with only the infinite beyond it. We felt that after Memel nothing of us would remain, and that the life we would experience in the future would be like the crutches one offers to a cripple. Memel is the tomb of my life, the absolute.


The Forgotten Soldier