The Botany of Desire

What is the author's tone in The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan?

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The text is presented in a personal style akin to standard journalistic English. Events generally are presented in an unemotional and professional manner, which allows a great deal of confidence to be placed in the narrative structure. The narrative contains a large amount of subdued, but insightful, humor and, in general, is extremely enjoyable and imminently accessible. The book is written, structured and presented as a statement of personal involvement in and perception of the cultivation of various types of plants, including apples, tulips, marijuana and potatoes. Topics considered in the book are global in scale, although they unmistakably bear a view focused on the United States of America. The author is aware of the historic nature of the over-arching developments described in the book and therefore usually presents his own infrequent personal bias and feelings as such.