The Book Thief

What is the author's style in The Book Thief by Markus Zusak?

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The novel is told in the first person point of view with Death as the narrator. The narrator is not a character within the novel, at least not directly, making his view unique in that he does not influence any of the plot events directly. The narrator is relating the story to his readers as he understands it through a story written by a little girl about her own life. The narrator adds in definitions and small things that he has observed, but does not take an active part in the overall plot. In the end, the narrator becomes involved in the story when he arrives to take the soul of the main character, now a grown woman who has lived a long and happy life.

The point of view of this novel is unique and creative. Death is a character with thoughts and opinions of his own. In this story, Death is trying to relate the story of a young woman he has observed on occasion and who captured his imagination with her will to live.