Stuck in Neutral

Stuck in Neutral. From what we have read so far, why would Shawn's father want to kill him? (Answer this question in RACE format.

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In context, Sydney wants to end Shawn's suffering, and he sees death as the only way to eliminate pain and suffering from Shawn's life. Sydney McDaniel leaves his family because he can't stand to see Shawn suffer through his seizures, and he believes that "suffering and pain" accompany each and every one. Sadly, Sydney's fears and the actually reality of Shawn's condition are very different because where Sydney worries, Shawn tells us that he loves his seizures.... that they set him free and allow his spirit to leave his body and soar above the heights of Seattle.

Ending Shawn’s suffering appears to be Sydney McDaniel’s motivation for interviewing Earl Detraux and possibly ending his own son’s life at the end of the novel.


Stuck in Neutral