Stage Door

Who is Terry Randall from Stage Door. and what is their importance?

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Terry Randall is the featured character in "Stage Door" by George S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber. Terry is an idealist whose dream is to have a successful stage career. She is "stagestruck" when she comes to New York to pursue her dream. The awe that she initially felt for the stage never waned; in fact, it only seemed to grow. Terry has been in New York for years and has gotten only small and bit parts but never the featured or starring roles that she dreams of. Yet, she does not give up.

Terry becomes frustrated and confronts Berger, a famous Broadway producer. She tells him that he basically had a lot of nerve refusing to see girls like her. The best actress in the world could be waiting to see him. He asks her if she is that "best actress in the world." He likes her aggressive style and hires her for one of his plays. It's a small part but it's a job! But Terry continues on for years seeking the ultimate goal of a starring role in a Broadway hit.

Terry becomes involved with Keith Burgess a budding playwright. Terry turns down the chance to go to Hollywood and act in films because of her love for the stage. Keith portrayed himself as just as dedicated to playwriting and actually was condescending toward screenwriting. However, when he has the chance to go to Hollywood and write for pictures, he takes it. Keith does return and proposes to Terry but she refuses to leave Broadway. It was where she belonged and where she wanted to be. Ironically, Terry falls in love with David Kingsley who is a big shot in the movie industry. He supports Terry in her dream of being a stage actor. He regrets that he had given the stage up for film years before. In the end, he produces a play and hires Terry to star in it.