Silas Marner

Who said, "For I am ugly there's no denying that: I feature my father's family. But, law! I don't mind, do you?


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“What do you think o’ these gowns, aunt Osgood?” said Priscilla, while Nancy helped her to unrobe.

“Very handsome indeed, niece,” said Mrs. Osgood, with a slight increase of formality. She always thought niece Priscilla too rough.

“I’m obliged to have the same as Nancy, you know, for all I’m five years older, and it makes me look yallow; for she never will have anything without I have mine just like it, because she wants us to look like sisters. And I tell her, folks ’ull think it’s my weakness makes me fancy as I shall look pretty in what she looks pretty in. For I am ugly—there’s no denying that: I feature my father’s family. But, law! I don’t mind, do you?”


Silas Marner