Secret of the Ages

What is the author's style in Secret of the Ages by Robert Collier?

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"The Secret of the Ages", written in 1926 by Robert Collier, is a purely subjective study of the application of Collier's Principles of Success on the Reader. Collier studies extensively, his entire life is devoted to learning. His studies in the areas of mining, theology, advertising, and metaphysics give him a background that allows him to see the world differently from most men. He makes it a point to research and study the lives of successful men and determine what makes them successful. After years of successful enterprises, Collier believes that he finds the Secret Formula of Success and sets about writing a series of books that are intended to guide the Reader to similar success.

It does seem, at times, that Collier tries to bring in an objective viewpoint in order to support or substantiate a point or position. Unfortunately, the objective offerings are not cited except by the name of the individual offering his point of view or opinion. This may have been an acceptable format in 1926, the time of original publication of book. However, the more modern twenty-first century reader expects to be able to check the facts that are presented to verify them. Several historical stories or recountings are actually seen in a different light in the more than eighty years since the book's publication. The Reader is affected by having some doubt about the veracity of the theme and thesis.

On the other hand, when the book is viewed in light of truths that do not change over time, much of what Robert Collier presents is as applicable today as it was in 1926. The Reader must use all possible forms of discernment to mine out the absolute truths from the writing and discard the chaff.


Secret of the Ages, BookRags