Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Why did T.J. bring R.W. and Melvin to the revival?


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T.J. brings the brothers in order to show off his new friends and new clothes.... trouble is brewing.

“Well, this is a fine how-do-you-do. I come all the way over here to introduce my friends, R.W. and Melvin, to y’all and y’all actin’ like y’all ain’t got no manners at all. Yeah, ole R.W. and Melvin,” he said, rolling the Simmses’ names slowly off his tongue to bring to our attention that he had not bothered to place a “Mister” before either, “they been mighty fine friends to me. Better than any of y’all. Look, see here what they give me.” Proudly he tugged at the suit coat. “Pretty nice stuff, eh? Everything I want they give me ’cause they really likes me. I’m they best friend.”


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry