Neighbor Rosicky

What are the motifs in Neighbor Rosicky by Willa Cather?

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Generosity and Greed are recurring ideas. Generosity in "Neighbour Rosicky" takes many forms and is a major theme of the story. While Anton Rosicky's generosity is especially important and earns him the title of "neighbour," all of the members of the Rosicky family display a natural generosity and spontaneous affection. Mary, for instance, loves to feed both people and creatures. She also takes great pleasure in the success of others. Dr. Burleigh believes this is a rare quality in a woman and he is touched by Mary's concern for him. Rudolph, too, displays generosity when he expresses concern over a pregnant woman he saw lifting heavy milk cans. Rosicky displays his generous spirit many times in the story, when he buys candy for the women or loans the family car to Rudy and Polly. But his most poignant display of generosity occurs through the pain of his heart attack, when Rosicky is able to reach out to Polly and touch her. As a result, she relinquishes her natural reserve long enough for Rosicky to see her own capacity for tenderness.