Siege of Darkness

What is the author's style in Siege of Darkness by R.A. Salvatore?

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The majority of this novel is written in the third person omniscient point of view. The story is told by a person not involved in the novel. This narrator does, however, have knowledge of all characters' emotions, thoughts, and feelings. This point of view is important to the novel because of the many moral issues dealt with in the novel. The uninvolved narrator allows the writer to present these moral issues in a way that the readers can draw their own conclusions about the "ideal" way of life from the outcome of the action of the novel.

The exception to the third person point of view narration is found in Drizzt's letters or prologues to each part of the novel. These letters are written in the first person point of view from Drizzt's point of view. These letters are interesting because they tell the story of a drow living in a dwarf settlement. Although the drow are generally self-serving and disinterested in community, Drizzt has come to embrace the dwarfs' outlook on life. In these letters, Drizzt describes the differences between the drow point of view on life and that held by the dwarfs.


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