I Heard the Owl Call My Name

Explain the subject of death and its significance to the novel?


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In the native culture of Kingcome it is believed that if a person hears the owl call his name, he or she is going to die soon. I Heard the Owl Call My Name follows Mark Brian during his only assignment as a vicar. Although he does not realize it, the reader knows from the beginning that Mark has only a short time to live. The bishop deliberately sends Mark to Kingcome, since he believes Mark will learn enough there to be ready to die. Death is viewed very differently in the native culture than in white culture. As Mark learns, the Indians believe that death is just another part of life, to be accepted when the time comes rather than dreaded. This idea is reinforced in many ways, but particularly in describing the salmon migration where the swimmer (salmon) comes home to spawn and die. Keetah and Jim show Mark the female salmon laying her eggs after the long migration home. Keetah expresses sadness at the thought that the salmon will soon die, but both Marta and Jim point out that this is part of the natural cycle of life.


I Heard the Owl Call My Name