
In the novel, Holes, the setting of Camp Green Lake is described at the start. What quotes are used to describe the setting?


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Quotes describing Camp Green Lake, from the text...

"Welcome to Camp Green Lake," said the driver. Stanley looked out the dirty window. He couldn't see a lake. And hardly anything was green.

The land was barren and desolate. He could see a few rundown buildings and some tents. Farther away there was a cabin beneath two tall trees. Those two trees were the only plant life he could see. There weren't even weeds.

"Nobody runs away from here. We don't need a fence. Know why? Because we've got the only water for a hundred miles. You want to run away? You'll be buzzard food in three days."

There were six large gray tents, and each one had a black letter on it: A, B, C, D, E, or F. The first five tents were for the campers. The counselors slept in F.

The lake was so full of holes and mounds that it reminded Stanley of pictures he'd seen of the moon.

