Guilty Pleasures

What is the setting of Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton?

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The setting of "Guilty Pleasures" takes place entirely in St. Louis. There are several settings used within the city. They include Animators Inc., Anita's office; Guilty Pleasures, the world's only vampire strip club; a cemetery; Circus of the Damned; Anita's apartment; Church of Eternal Life, and Nikolaos' lair. Each of the settings used throughout the story has a distinct flavor. While Animators Inc. and Anita's apartment are relatively nondescript, the residences and hot spots for the vampires and other undead characters are rather vivid in their descriptions.

One example is the Church of Eternal Life. The church is designed like most churches and contains a vestibule, sanctuary, altar, pews, offices, and meeting rooms. The only difference is that the basement is filled with coffins. Like most churches, the Church of Eternal Life has elaborate stained glass windows, without the standard religious icons emblazoned across them.

Both Nikolaos' lair and Guilty Pleasures are dark and mysterious, which makes them attractive to humans and the undead alike. The structures are always dark and conducive to vampire living. The presence of the coffins in Nikolaos' lair is quite disturbing and vivid, particularly when the story references the coffin belonging to Nikolaos, a pre-pubescent girl that requires a small and feminine coffin.

The Circus of the Damned is designed much like any other circus, with loud music, attractions, and bright colors. Anita regards the Circus much like any other circus, with an enhanced creepiness factor.

