Gap Creek

Who is Hank Richards from Gap Creek: A Novel and what is their importance?

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Hank Richards is Julie's husband. Hank grew up in a household of boys reared by a strong single mother, Ma Richards. When he is eighteen-years-old, he travels to the Harmon home in search of wife. It's love at first sight when Hank meets Julie, the hardworking young woman he soon marries. Hank loves the church, loves singing, and loves his wife. Eagerly, and perhaps a bit naively, Hank arranges to move into Mr. Pendergast's home down in Gap Creek. In exchange for free room and board, Hank will tend to Pendergast's fields and Julie will tend to his house. Hank works long hours baking bricks a few miles hike from home, and he soon realizes that adult life is more difficult than he expected. A string of tragedies change Hank's optimistic outlook.