Darren Shan

What is a character summary of Cirque du Freak?

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A character summary for Cirque du Freak would probably concern itself with the main characters and who they are. You can find a complete analysis of all characters here: http://www.bookrags.com/studyguide-cirque-du-freak-7/characters.html

The protagonist is Darren Shan who, in the first novel, steals Mr. Larten Crepsley's performing spider, Madame Octa. When Darren is bit by the spider the hospital cannot treat him for the poison. Darren goes to Mr. Crepsley and agrees to become a Vampire in order for Mr. Crepsley to heal him. Darren fakes his own death and leaves friends and family behind to become Mr. Crepsley's assisstant. Darren hates Crepsley in the beginning and has a difficult time adjusting to his new life. Darren, as a human, was a responsible, caring boy who was loyal to his friends and tried to stay out of trouble. Darren has become a Vampire Prince and is well liked and respected by the other Vampires despite his young age. Darren's curiosity and interests are the same as a human boy his age.