Criminal justice

Explain the importance of New York v. Quarles (1984). How does it relate to Miranda warnings?

Explain the importance of New York v. Quarles (1984). How does it relate to Miranda warnings?

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Last updated by Jill W
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New York v. Quarles involved a Police Officer questioning the suspect of a rape about the location of a gun. The suspect, reported to have gone into a supermarket by the victim, was apprehended inside the store. The officer, noting that a gun was visibly missing from the suspects holster asked where the gun was..... a question to which he received an answer. The suspect was not read his Miranda Rights prior to this question being asked.

New York v. Quarles became an exception to Miranda, as public safety is priority when warranted. Public Safety encompasses public emergencies, as well as situations in which the situation poses imminent danger to themselves or to the suspect.

As a result,