Crazy Lady!

What is the author's style in Crazy Lady! by Jane Leslie Conly?

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Vernon Dobbs tells this story from first person point of view. The reader gets the view of Vernon on all subjects. Vernon shares his feelings and thoughts about the scenes that he witnesses.

The story occurs in the past for Vernon, and he uses flashbacks to tell the story that has haunted him for several years. Therefore, most of the story occurs in past tense, from Vernon's point of view.

When Vernon's feelings about people change, their part in the story changes as well. The impact of Vernon's point of view effects the details and the characterization of the other people in the novel.

Vernon's point of view also shows, very accurately, the view point of an adolescent boy. He worries about the acceptance of his peers; he resists interference from adults, and he engages in mildly dangerous behaviors, such as shoplifting.


Crazy Lady!