Born Worker, A Review

Based on age specific as well as literaly criteria for the selection of appropriate literature for the upper primary school phase, why would the story of Born Worker will be suitable for learners in the later upper primary years?

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I'm sorry, this is a short-answer forum designed for text specific questions. Born Worker is an excellent short-story to promote literacy, fluency, and expanded vocabulary. The story will appeal to the upper primary grades (7th and 8th), teaching the value of hard work and integrity. The main characters are cousins, and each has been raised in a very different background. These characters allow the reader an insight into the things that make us different, as well as the reason indiviudals have different perspectives on the world.

Jose believes in hard work, his cousin Arnie believes in doing as little as possible. Jose is responsible and takes responsibility; Arnie is afraid of responsibility. Both of these characters are important, and allow the student to glimpse two sides of a situation..... which character are they? Which character would they like to emulate?