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Reverend Ralph Abernathy was a young minister of Montgomery's First Baptist Church. He also played an important role in the leadership of the Civil Rights Movement. Abernathy was among the original three who called for the Montgomery bus boycott. Long active in civic affairs, Abernathy was called on to be the vice-president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Abernathy and Martin Luther King were close confidants and associates. He was King's trusted friend, a friend who had a good sense of humor that provided repose during lmany tense situations.

Abernathy was a part of the first integrated bus ride in Montgomery, Alabama. This event was televised, and there were no major confrontations. The riders rode with dignity, and refused to be offended by any overt hostility. A few days after this ride, Abernathy's home and church were bombed.

During the mass meetings to lift up the spirits of the Birmingham action, it was Ralph Abernathy who lifted them in enthusiasm "with his unique combination of humor and dedication...When he plants himself behind the lectern, squat and powerful, his round face breaking easily into laughter, his listeners both love and believe him"


A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr