Looking for Alibrandi

What are most of the events/incidents, which indicate/demonstrate how Josie is an 'Aussie Battler' identity?

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*When Carly Bishop insulted Josie, and in responds to this, Josie hit Carly with her textbook, leaving her with a broken nose.

*The bahvaiours and attitudes towards family.

Actually, Aussie Battler, is an aussie term that means 'ordinary' or 'blue collar worker'. So, the fact that Josie comes from humble beginnings, her family having had to work hard at various jobs their whole lives, plays into this idea of the Aussie Battler. Most of this is revealed by her mom and grandmother's reactions to various things that happen in the novel, and even though Josie is going to a school that neither of them would have attended, many of their class distinctions exist.