1 Timothy Notes from King James Bible - New Testament

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1 Timothy Notes from King James Bible - New Testament

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King James Bible - New Testament 1 Timothy

Paul writes to Timothy.

Paul asks Timothy to go to Ephesus and teach while he stays in Macedonia. They are spreading the word of God to counter the Blasphemers. They must have faith and follow the words of Christ. Paul asks for prayers for men that they learn the words of Jesus. He wants all men to pray and women to learn in silence and subjugation.

Paul gives rules for the servants of the church. A bishop must be blameless, and follow all the commandments. A bishop's wife must be faithful. A deacon must have only one wife. Paul hopes to come to Timothy soon. He says that some will depart from the faith and must be separated from the faithful. Good men should seek little profit. Timothy should not teach this but be an example for others. He should not rebuke the elders but treat all men as brothers. Younger women should not be idle because they will turn to evil young widows and will lead people astray.

Topic Tracking: Gender 14

Elders should be accused only in front of two or three witnesses. Sins and good works may be secret or overt. Masters should treat servants well. Anyone who teaches otherwise is wrong. Wealth can be a snare for good men. Timothy must "Fight the good fight of Faith" 1 Timothy, 6:12. Paul charges him to not lead men astray. He is to embrace good men and admonish the wicked.

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