Zoot Suit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zoot Suit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Della, why do the people at the party attack the pachucos?
(a) They hate Henry.
(b) They hate poor people.
(c) They think they are the Downeys.
(d) They don't like Chicanos.

2. What does Henry say to George when George leaves the boys after their trial?
(a) Have fun.
(b) God Bless.
(c) Thank you.
(d) See you soon.

3. The attitudes of the Judge and the Prosecution are portrayed in such an extreme manner that they can be described as what?
(a) Healthy.
(b) Arrogrant.
(c) Common.
(d) Bizarre.

4. What do George and Alice try to do to Henry when the Judge declares a break in the court proceedings?
(a) Reassure him.
(b) Comfort him.
(c) Get him new clothes.
(d) Get him to relax.

5. In Act 2 Henry is confronted with the notion that he is what as both an individual and as a member of the Chicano community?
(a) Loved.
(b) Desired.
(c) Persecuted.
(d) Hated.

6. What bad news does George have when he visits the boys after their trial?
(a) He's no longer a lawyer.
(b) He has to drop their case.
(c) He's moving.
(d) He's being drafted.

7. Where does the Judge order Della to go?
(a) The military.
(b) A girls' ranch.
(c) Reform school.
(d) Prison.

8. What word best describes El Pachuco's attitude towards white people?
(a) Ironic.
(b) Hateful.
(c) Inclusive.
(d) Cynical.

9. El Pachuco's defiance at the end of Act 2, scene 6, shows that he is what?
(a) A Chicano.
(b) Persecuted.
(c) An idiot.
(d) A true pachuco.

10. Henry asks Alice to pass along his love for whom?
(a) His family.
(b) His mother.
(c) His brother.
(d) Della.

11. What good news does George have when he visits the boys after their trial?
(a) They are being moved to a different location.
(b) They have enough money in their defense fund.
(c) The appeal is progressing.
(d) Care packages are coming.

12. Henry's confrontation with the guard and El Pachuco reveal the depth of his what?
(a) Stress.
(b) Anger.
(c) Pain.
(d) Humility.

13. At the end of Act 1, scene11, El Pachuco says that it is what?
(a) Intermission.
(b) The end of the matter.
(c) Time to go to jail.
(d) The end of prejudice.

14. What does Alice do when Henry tells her he is dropping out of the appeal?
(a) Kisses him.
(b) Leaves.
(c) Loses her temper.
(d) Has him fill out paperwork.

15. In what Act and scene does the Judge give the verdict?
(a) Act 1, scene 10.
(b) Act 1, scene 11.
(c) Act 1, scene 9.
(d) Act 1 scene 8.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the important thing in the beginning of Act 2?

2. What is the Jury doing when they go to make their decision in a case?

3. In Act 1, scene 10, Henry and Della are strolling where?

4. What does Henry do when the guard comes in with new and more difficult work assignments?

5. After the Judge sends the Jury to deliberate, what does El Pachuco do to bring the jury back?

(see the answer keys)

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