Z for Zachariah Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Z for Zachariah Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the man?
(a) Gone.
(b) In his tent unconscious.
(c) Swimming in the pond.
(d) Gathering eggs.

2. Who goes with Ann to gather the greens?
(a) The young bull.
(b) Faro.
(c) A barn cat.
(d) Loomis.

3. What is Loomis' main health problem at this time?
(a) Anemia.
(b) Sore muscles.
(c) Skin lesions.
(d) Swollen lymph glands.

4. What does the man do after using the Geiger counter?
(a) Clasps his hands and looks up and prays.
(b) Take off his mask.
(c) Kneels and kisses the ground.
(d) Turn around to leave.

5. What did Ann and her brother realize about Burden Creek?
(a) It is good water.
(b) It could be use to generate electricity.
(c) It's flow changed.
(d) It is poisoned.

Short Answer Questions

1. Since it is June, what is urgent that Ann do?

2. What does Ann do later in the day without Loomis?

3. What does Ann decide to plant?

4. Why does Ann decide to keep the man in sight for the first two or more?

5. About what was Ann correct, much to Loomis' dismay?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why doesn't Ann think the arriving stranger is in a car and what does she think about what he is bringing?

2. Explain why Ann is alone in the valley.

3. What happens that convinces Ann that the man knows nothing about farm life and what is her response?

4. Why does Ann think someone is coming to her valley?

5. Why is Mr. Loomis at Burden Creek when Ann returns from picking greens, and how does he think the Creek can be used?

6. What does the man do with his Geiger counter and then what terrible error does he make?

7. How does Loomis manage to survive on his long journey walking from New York?

8. What does Loomis say he was developing before the war?

9. Why does Ann decide to go down to the farm yard and what does she discover?

10. Explain why Ann's parents left her home when they left to discover the effects of the war?

(see the answer keys)

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