Z for Zachariah Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Z for Zachariah Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Loomis say about the night the bombs fall?
(a) He is alone in the lab.
(b) He was on his way to pick up his children.
(c) He and seven others were in the lab when the bombs fell.
(d) He and his wife were talking on the phone when it goes dead.

2. What does Ann play for Mr. Loomis?
(a) Her trumpet.
(b) The piano.
(c) The guitar.
(d) Her clarinet.

3. Who was supposed to stay with Ann when her parents went exploring?
(a) Mrs. Klein.
(b) Joseph.
(c) David.
(d) Faro.

4. Where has Ann been on the morning of the opening of the book?
(a) The doctor's office.
(b) Church.
(c) In the hayloft.
(d) School.

5. What does Ann fear about Loomis?
(a) He might be getting delirious again.
(b) He will leave.
(c) He will want to get married.
(d) He will start trying to boss her around.

6. What does Ann use to gather greens?
(a) A plastic grocery bag.
(b) The basket her mother always used.
(c) A rolling suitcase.
(d) A wheelbarrow.

7. Where does her parents say they are going first in their explorations?
(a) To the Mennonites.
(b) To the military base.
(c) To the Quaker settlement.
(d) To the Amish.

8. What does the man notice in Burden Creek?
(a) A lack of animal life in the creek.
(b) Lots of algae.
(c) Some turtles.
(d) Large mouth bass.

9. What does Ann decide she will do after cooking breakfast?
(a) Write in her journal.
(b) Practice the piano.
(c) Go to the store.
(d) Go fishing.

10. What is another thing the visitor does soon after examining the green leaves of a tree?
(a) He checks the tree and area with a Geiger counter.
(b) He plants an American flag in the soil by the tree.
(c) He shoots his rifle into the air.
(d) He climbs the tree to reach the fruit.

11. Why does Ann have Loomis move into the house?
(a) So he could help with the household chores.
(b) She leaves him in his tent.
(c) To care for him more easily.
(d) So he would feel good towards her.

12. What does Ann smell as she is gathering greens?
(a) Dandelions.
(b) Crabapple blossoms.
(c) Wild onions.
(d) Pear blossoms.

13. What does Ann think about in a flashback to right after the war?
(a) The radio going dead.
(b) See a terrible flash of light and hearing the ground shake.
(c) Her family deciding to go out and check things again.
(d) Her father feeling ill and then dying.

14. What was John Loomis' occupation?
(a) Reporter.
(b) Physicist.
(c) Chemist.
(d) Physician.

15. What does Loomis' boss' invention do?
(a) Repels radiation.
(b) Absorbs radiation.
(c) Eats radiation.
(d) Detects a special type of radiation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ann think should possibly happen on her 17th birthday?

2. What does Ann think the visitor is bringing?

3. When Ann's father returns from scouting the first time he went out, what does he report finding?

4. Why doesn't Loomis go with Ann?

5. What set of reading material does Ann give Loomis?

(see the answer keys)

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