The Young Man from Atlanta Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Young Man from Atlanta Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Does Pete believe in God?
(a) Not since his wife died.
(b) Not since he was orphaned.
(c) Never in his life.
(d) Yes.

2. How does Will say his wife's brother lost his second son?
(a) In a boating accident.
(b) To alcoholism.
(c) In an air raid over Germany.
(d) He joined a cult.

3. What does Clara ask when Lily Dale says she is a nervous wreck?
(a) "Would you like some peach cobbler?"
(b) "Where's your stress ball?"
(c) "Where's your Christian faith?"
(d) "Would you like some more coffee?"

4. What does Will say when Tom tells him not to talk about Bill if it upsets him?
(a) Will says he can talk to Lily Dale about it some other time.
(b) Will says it does him good to talk about it.
(c) Will says nothing.
(d) Will says they should talk about something else.

5. What does Will say about his family's financial situation after his father died?
(a) Will says they were dirt poor.
(b) Will says they came into money from Aunt Mary.
(c) Will says they inherited a great deal of money from his father's life insurance policy.
(d) Will says they had "some" money.

6. What does Lily Dale say when Will tells her who his replacement is at Sunshine Produce?
(a) Lily Dale says she will go speak to Ted about promoting Tom.
(b) Lily Dale says Will hired and trained Tom.
(c) Lily Dale says Tom should be ashamed of himself.
(d) Lily Dale says she can't believe Tom would accept the position.

7. What does Will do with the check Tom left him?
(a) Will deposits it.
(b) Will gives it to the young man from Atlanta.
(c) Will tears it up.
(d) Will gives it to Pete.

8. What does Clara tell Lily Dale at the top of this scene?
(a) The young man from Atlanta came by again looking for Lily Dale.
(b) Egg caserole is for breakfast.
(c) Lily Dale's new car is in the driveway.
(d) Will is at the hospital.

9. At what subject does Will say Bill excelled in school?
(a) Math.
(b) Home economics.
(c) Literature.
(d) Science.

10. The young man from Atlanta tells Lily Dale that Bill was like a what to him?
(a) A nephew.
(b) A brother.
(c) A father.
(d) A son.

11. How does Will sleep, according to Lily Dale?
(a) Will does not sleep.
(b) Will sleeps the whole night through.
(c) Will tosses and turns all night long.
(d) Will sleep walks.

12. The young man from Atlanta tells Lily Dale that he is so distraught over Bill's death that he can't do what?
(a) Eat.
(b) Walk.
(c) Work.
(d) Sleep.

13. According to the young man from Atlanta, who could be heard praying all over his boarding house every morning?
(a) Carson.
(b) Miss Ruth.
(c) Bill.
(d) The young man himself.

14. What does Will say the young man from Atlanta is?
(a) An okay guy.
(b) A bum.
(c) A swindler.
(d) A fine upstanding man.

15. According to Lily Dale how did Allie's husband kill himself?
(a) By hanging.
(b) By drowning.
(c) By immolation.
(d) By poison.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Will say is the only person in whom he can confide?

2. Where does Will say Bill was when he died?

3. How many children does Vivian have?

4. Where does Will discover the young man from Atlanta is staying?

5. Why does Lily Dale call the doctor?

(see the answer keys)

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