You Learn by Living Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Learn by Living Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do most people fear self-knoweldge?

2. According to Eleanor Roosevelt, what might retirement time be used for?

3. What kinds of experience must people learn from?

4. What are men taught to do from their youth?

5. According to Eleanor Roosevelt, how are most readjustments caused?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the third tip and example that Eleanor Roosevelt gives about using time wisely?

2. What do mature people attempt to eliminate in their lives and how does it help the individual?

3. Describe the anecdote that illustrates overcoming fear through self-discipline?

4. According to Eleanor Roosevelt, how is one's philosophy best expressed?

5. What does Eleanor Roosevelt believe about criticism?

6. What does Eleanor Roosevelt say about death, especially after the loss of her husband?

7. What does Eleanor Roosevelt feel there is a danger of when trying to change another person?

8. According to Eleanor Roosevelt, why do women have an advantage over men?

9. What does Eleanor Roosevelt warn against when one begins to have children and start a family and why does she suggest this?

10. What does Eleanor Roosevelt offer to people to help steer them from pitfalls?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Eleanor Roosevelt discusses women in politics and how they have more challenges than men. They seem more sensitive to criticism then men and the job comes at a high personal sacrifice. Write an essay on the strong political women figures over the last 50 years and discuss how the perception of women in politics has changed. Discuss how these women have paved the way for women in politics. Discuss Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Bachelet, Michelle Obama, and any other women that have lead not only political programs, but countries and made a difference. DIscuss the characteristics they share, characteristics that could empower future women leaders. Be sure to use at least 3 examples and back up your analysis with strong evidence of accomplishments.

Essay Topic 2

Eleanor Roosevelt talks about unhappy people and how they have no idea what to do with their time. She gives the example of a mother whose children have grown up and left home. Ms. Roosevelt warns against giving up ones friends and interests while having children because it does not benefit the child. Children need to see adults who are engaged in their life so they glean a sense of independence and a desire to broaden their own horizons. Do you agree with this statement? How reasonable is this type of behavior in the modern day when a woman is most likely working and raising a family? Provide 3 arguments to support your stance. Use evidence from social history to create your social commentary.

Essay Topic 3

Eleanor Roosevelt teaches us to be useful as usefulness is a kind of love and respect we can share with others. Many charitable organizations exist, and they are worthy causes, but there are less dramatic needs everywhere that one can partake in to make a difference. What are the ways you and your generation can be useful? What are the problems you see around you that deserve your attention and inspiration to evoke change? How can you be of service? Provide 3 examples - one political, one social, and one economic. Be sure to use modern day evidence to back your analysis.

(see the answer keys)

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