You Learn by Living Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Learn by Living Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Eleanor Roosevelt terrified of as a young woman, but is forced to treat during World War I?
(a) insanity
(b) influenza
(c) small pox
(d) polio

2. What is every individual responsible for?
(a) his or her actions
(b) his or her philosophies
(c) his or her thoughts
(d) his or her choices

3. What does Laura say to her nieces and nephews regarding their use of time?
(a) it is their responsibility to use time to their advantage
(b) it is their responsibility to be on time for appointments
(c) it is their responsibility to be eager to share time with others
(d) it is their responsibility to make the best use of their time

4. After one has children of their own, what does Eleanor Roosevelt guard against?
(a) giving up one's friends and interests
(b) allowing the child to run the house
(c) alienating her husband
(d) listening only to her female friends and not her family

5. According to Eleanor Roosevelt, what is the best way people learn?
(a) through their own mistakes
(b) by mentorship
(c) by rigorous challenges
(d) through watching others fail

6. According to Eleanor Roosevelt, what might retirement time be used for?
(a) a time to travel and learn
(b) a time to develop new professional skills
(c) a time to unwind and finally relax
(d) a time to develop oneself yet again

7. What does a parent's interests and array of different friends do for children?
(a) makes them feel safe
(b) challenges them to be their best
(c) broadens their horizons
(d) broadens their sense of self

8. From whom does Eleanor Roosevelt inherit her good will?
(a) her mentors
(b) her female friends
(c) her children
(d) her husband

9. What must the foreign doctor Eleanor Roosevelt speaks of do upon immigration to the United States?
(a) restudy medicine
(b) leave his family behind
(c) lose his religion
(d) work for the government

10. Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?
(a) the former First Lady
(b) a Nobel Laureate
(c) the winner of the Pulitzer Prize
(d) the first Congresswoman

11. What conversational game does Ruth Bryan Rohde explain to Eleanor Roosevelt?
(a) the name game
(b) the numbers game
(c) the game of telephone
(d) the alphabet game

12. What do most of the people who admire Eleanor Roosevelt want to know about her life?
(a) how she was able to stay strong through hard times
(b) how see fell in love and married
(c) how she planned her career
(d) how she became the First Lady

13. What does Eleanor Roosevelt claim is inevitable?
(a) change
(b) love
(c) death
(d) success

14. What example does Eleanor Roosevelt use as a way to describe how to accept others?
(a) husbands not willing to cook and clean
(b) husbands not helping with raising children
(c) husbands forgetting to clean up after themselves
(d) husbands forgetting birthdays and anniversaries

15. What kind of person does Eleanor Roosevelt describe as being unhappy and thus having no idea what to do with their time?
(a) a man who has two careers
(b) a woman who has a career and a family
(c) a mother whose children have grown and left home
(d) a father who is left to look after his children

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one thing that no human being can avoid, according to Eleanor Roosevelt?

2. What does Eleanor Roosevelt think mankind should do with those who are ready to retire?

3. What does Eleanor Roosevelt say should be interwoven into an organized stretch of time so as to prepare for unexpected things?

4. According to Eleanor Roosevelt, what is self-knowledge mainly about?

5. What do many American businessmen do which alienates their wives and denies their children of a relationship with their father?

(see the answer keys)

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