You Can't Say You Can't Play Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Vivian Paley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Can't Say You Can't Play Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Vivian Paley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What grade, during Paley's inquiries in Chapter 2, thought the new play rule would work on Paley's class but not them because it was too late?
(a) 2nd.
(b) 3rd.
(c) 4th.
(d) 5th.

2. In Chapter 1, the lonely princess in Magpie's story wanted help finding what?
(a) More birds.
(b) A playmate.
(c) Candy.
(d) Her parents.

3. Clara, one of Paley's students, said she is rejected by whom?
(a) Alex and Lisa.
(b) Angelo and Cynthia.
(c) Lisa and Ben.
(d) Cynthia and Lisa.

4. In Magpie's story to the flower prince, the hero boy threw stinging liquid back at what creature?
(a) Dragon.
(b) Mean Magpie.
(c) Sea Serpant.
(d) Giant Eagle.

5. In the story Magpie told to the flower prince, what does the eagle steal?
(a) A small child.
(b) A queen.
(c) A magpie.
(d) A dog.

Short Answer Questions

1. After leaving the tiny flower people, Annabella, her father, and Magpie leave and cross the ___ mountain.

2. Who is not there to meet Annabella and her father when they arrive on shore at Magpie's Kingdom home?

3. After climbing the mountain path, Annabella discovers that the tiny people live inside of what?

4. Paley left her seemingly unhappy and stressed classroom to go to ___ to speak about happy classrooms.

5. In Magpie's story, on what day does the lonely princess forget the rules while she is with her new friends?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to details in Chapter 1, how are Annabella and Alexandra different in appearance from each other?

2. After Magpie shares the story of the lonely princess, how does Annabella respond?

3. Once the lonely princess is stranded and can not get back home from playing with the fairies, how does she end up getting home?

4. Beatrice overhears Annabella and Alexandra agreeing to be friends, and does what about this, and why?

5. In Magpie's story why is it important for the lonely princess to only play with the fairy child during the day, and what happens when she forgets this rule?

6. What did Paley realize about Lisa back in the classroom, in Chapter 2?

7. In Chapter 1, how did Paley go about getting her students to accept this new play rule?

8. In Chapter 1, Magpie tells a story. What is it about?

9. Magpie and Annabella offer to help rescue the flower prince. What happens with the rescue?

10. In reviewing her notes, before speaking in Arizona, Paley noticed that her students had expressed what reasons for opposing the rule?

(see the answer keys)

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