You Can't Say You Can't Play Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Vivian Paley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Can't Say You Can't Play Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Vivian Paley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprises Prince Kareem about Magpie?
(a) Magpie speaks.
(b) Magpie's color.
(c) Magpie dreams.
(d) Magpie can't fly.

2. Magpie and Kareem discover that they are both what?
(a) Book readers.
(b) Lonely.
(c) Happy.
(d) Story tellers.

3. Paley left her seemingly unhappy and stressed classroom to go to ___ to speak about happy classrooms.
(a) Vermont.
(b) West Virginia.
(c) Canada.
(d) Arizona.

4. At the end of Chapter 2, Paley's story revealed that this person was the thief from the ship.
(a) The captain.
(b) The flower prince.
(c) Uncle Orangerio.
(d) Raymond.

5. In Chapter 2, after Lisa told her story, Paley realized that Lisa wanted to be like who from the imaginary story?
(a) Annabella.
(b) Prince Kareem.
(c) Alexandra.
(d) Magpie.

6. According to Magpie in Chapter 1, how many children live in the Kingdom that he calls home?
(a) 14.
(b) 18.
(c) 25.
(d) 21.

7. In the story Magpie told to the flower prince, what does the eagle steal?
(a) A dog.
(b) A queen.
(c) A magpie.
(d) A small child.

8. In Chapter 1, who wondered whether Paley had the authority to change the rules of play?
(a) Her Principal.
(b) The parents.
(c) Her peers.
(d) Her students.

9. How many kids from Paley's class seemed happy about this new rule?
(a) 1.
(b) 4.
(c) 21.
(d) 18.

10. What sound does Magpie imitate to get the eagle to leave it's nest so the rescue will be successful?
(a) Eagle's call.
(b) Larger prey.
(c) Hunters.
(d) Trapped mouse.

11. Another Paley student, Nelson, said that who won't let him play?
(a) Ben.
(b) Neil.
(c) Angelo.
(d) Alex.

12. Magpie is found alone and under this, after birth?
(a) Hay.
(b) Moss.
(c) Blueberries.
(d) Branches.

13. Who is sitting behind a tree and thinking she is not as nice as Magpie thinks she is, as Annabella and her father arrive in Magpie's Kingdom home?
(a) Maruska.
(b) Sylvia.
(c) Beatrix.
(d) Queen Orangelina.

14. Who helps Annabella and her father board the waiting ship?
(a) The tiny flower people.
(b) Alexandra.
(c) A sailor.
(d) No one.

15. After climbing the mountain path, Annabella discovers that the tiny people live inside of what?
(a) Tree Trunks.
(b) Sea Shells.
(c) Caves.
(d) Cacti.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Magpie's story when can the lonely princess be with the child?

2. In Magpie's story to the flower prince, the hero boy threw stinging liquid back at what creature?

3. Clara, one of Paley's students, said she is rejected by whom?

4. Who almost steps on Magpie after his birth?

5. Why are the ship's crew and captain upset, as Annabella and her father learn once aboard?

(see the answer keys)

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