A Yellow Raft in Blue Water Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Yellow Raft in Blue Water Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While staying with Datyon, what does Christine do for the first time in her life?
(a) Forgives herself.
(b) Write a will.
(c) Sit still.
(d) Make plans.

2. When Christine sees Aunt Ida, as they approached her house on foot, she is surprised to see Aunt Ida wearing what?
(a) Lee's uniform.
(b) A wig.
(c) A wedding ring.
(d) A dress.

3. Who does Aunt Ida dance with during the flag ceremony for Lee?
(a) Willard.
(b) Dayton.
(c) Rayona.
(d) Old Vernon.

4. What is too expensive for Christine to give Aunt Ida when she returns to the reservation with Rayona?
(a) Her daughter.
(b) A new ring.
(c) An apology.
(d) A television.

5. As Christine jumps into the pickup to get away from Aunt Ida's house, what does she smell?
(a) Beer.
(b) Old Spice.
(c) Wildroot.
(d) Sweat.

6. Who picks Christine up in a pickup as she runs from Aunt Ida's house?
(a) Dayton.
(b) Pauline.
(c) Foxy.
(d) Willard.

7. What is Rayona's middle name?
(a) Dana.
(b) Diane.
(c) Daphne.
(d) Doris.

8. What is Christine worried about on her drive to Montana for Lee's funeral?
(a) Money.
(b) Snow blindness.
(c) Fuel level.
(d) Feeding Rayona.

9. Christine remembers what she reads about in ____________ so she can tell Dayton about it while they eat dinner in the evenings.
(a) National Enquirer.
(b) People.
(c) National Geographic.
(d) New York Times.

10. What does Christine leave on Dayton's desk?
(a) Lee's Purple Heart.
(b) Money.
(c) Her hospital records.
(d) Lee's silver buckle.

11. What is Christine's favorite holiday to celebrate?
(a) Christmas.
(b) Mother's Day.
(c) Halloween.
(d) Thanksgiving.

12. What does Christine leave behind in one of the many apartments she rushes to move out of?
(a) Her marriage license.
(b) The last letter from Lee.
(c) A picture of her and Lee.
(d) Rayona's birth certificate.

13. Who does Aunt Ida come to Seattle to visit in the hospital?
(a) Pauline.
(b) Clara.
(c) Annie.
(d) Lecon.

14. Christine thinks over her conversation with Aunt Ida, working it in her mind, like it is what?
(a) A math problem.
(b) A road map.
(c) Bread dough.
(d) A puzzle.

15. What song do Elgin and Christine dance to on their wedding night?
(a) The Way You Look Tonight.
(b) I Will Always Love You.
(c) Angel Love.
(d) Sweet Dreams.

Short Answer Questions

1. Elgin wants to name his daughter after who?

2. What does Christine make for dinner the night Elgin is discharged from the military?

3. Christine and Dayton act like what while Christine stays with him?

4. What does Aunt Ida call Christine when her daughter comes to collect the package from Charlene?

5. Who does Christine think Rayona is at first when she shows up at Dayton's house after the rodeo?

(see the answer keys)

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