Wuthering Heights Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wuthering Heights Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Heathcliff tells Nelly in Chapter 20 that he has arranged for a tutor to visit his son how frequently to attend to his education?
(a) 5 days a week.
(b) 3 days a month.
(c) 2 days a week.
(d) 3 days a week.

2. How does Catherine escape her confinement at Wuthering Heights in Chapter 28?
(a) She walks out the front door.
(b) She sneaks out the back door.
(c) She escapes through the basement.
(d) She climbs out the window.

3. What word from Chapter 20 refers to a unfortunate or unhappy person?
(a) Wench.
(b) Wraith.
(c) Welch.
(d) Wretch.

4. Who helps Hareton clean up to impress Catherine in Chapter 30?
(a) Fanny.
(b) Zillah.
(c) Minny.
(d) Nelly.

5. Heathcliff describes Hareton in Chapter 33 as a personification of what?
(a) Edgar's youth.
(b) Revenge.
(c) Good fortune.
(d) Heathcliff's youth.

Short Answer Questions

1. For how long does Nelly become incapacitated due to illness after her and Cathy's visit to Wuthering Heights in Chapter 23?

2. On what day of the week is Catherine to return to visit Linton in Chapter 26?

3. What does Heathcliff tell Nelly he longs for in Chapter 33?

4. What does Hareton do that offends and upsets Catherine in Chapter 30?

5. For how long does Edgar go away in order to see Isabella as she is dying in Chapter 18?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where is Linton taken in Chapter 20? How does he feel about his circumstances?

2. How does Mrs. Dean describe the encounter between Catherine and Linton at Wuthering Heights in Chapter 23?

3. How does Mrs. Dean describe Cathy's behavior after the death of Linton in Chapter 30?

4. Why does Edgar consent to allow Cathy to make a visit to Linton in Chapter 25? Is this a wise choice?

5. What happens when Cathy disappears in Chapter 18? Where is she found?

6. What leads to Catherine's change of heart regarding visiting the Heights in Chapter 22?

7. How does Mrs. Dean describe the changed appearance and demeanor of Heathcliff prior to his death in Chapter 34?

8. How does Cathy obtain Nelly's letter in Chapter 31? What does she tell Mr. Lockwood regarding a response?

9. What does Cathy beg of Nelly after her confession in Chapter 24? How does Nelly respond?

10. How does Nelly respond to the encounter between Catherine and Heathcliff in Chapter 22?

(see the answer keys)

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