Written on the Body Test | Final Test - Easy

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Written on the Body Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which ex-lover seems to effect the narrator the most?
(a) Jacqueline.
(b) Bathsheba.
(c) Igne.
(d) Bruno.

2. Where does Elgin want Louise to go for treatment?
(a) United States.
(b) France.
(c) Germany.
(d) Switzerland.

3. Where does the narrator go second in the search for Louise?
(a) Louise's hospital.
(b) Elgin's house.
(c) Louise's apartment.
(d) Elgin's research facility.

4. Who does the narrator give the key to the handcuffs?
(a) A customer.
(b) A security guard.
(c) A co-worker.
(d) A librarian.

5. What does Louise decide to do after the vacation?
(a) Get married.
(b) Cause legal trouble for Elgin.
(c) Visit Jacqueline.
(d) Get a divorce.

6. Who promises to keep the narrator informed about Louise's condition?
(a) Louise's doctor.
(b) Elgin.
(c) Jacqueline.
(d) Louise.

7. At whose house do the narrator and Louise carry on an affair?
(a) Elgin's parent's.
(b) Jacqueline's.
(c) Elgin's.
(d) The narrator's ex-lover's.

8. Which of the following best describes the narrator's opinion of Elgin when he moves away?
(a) Elgin is a good-hearted person who is misunderstood.
(b) Elgin will do something Louise won't appreciate, but it will be for the best.
(c) Elgin is a vengeful person.
(d) Elgin wants the best for Louise.

9. What does Elgin get tired of hearing?
(a) The narrator's phone calls.
(b) Louise's complaints about health concerns.
(c) Jacqueline's phone calls.
(d) Louise and the narrator carrying on their affair.

10. What location does the narrator call while looking for Louise and after returning from the countryside?
(a) A clinic in Switzerland.
(b) A cancer research facility in Paris.
(c) A hospital in Amsterdam.
(d) An apartment in New York.

11. Which of the following states does it seem that the narrator likes, becoming apparent after the narrator moves?
(a) Being safe.
(b) Being in love.
(c) Being heartbroken.
(d) Being on the road.

12. Why is the narrator's boss a significant character?
(a) She discourages the narrator from finding Louise.
(b) She takes the narrator's mind off Louise.
(c) She gives the narrator money to find Louise.
(d) She helps lead the narrator back to Louise.

13. What type of facility does Elgin say can help Louise?
(a) Psychiatric hospital.
(b) Research labs.
(c) Pediatric hospital.
(d) Cancer facility.

14. What is on the note that the narrator leaves for Louise?
(a) The cottage's address.
(b) "I love you."
(c) "I cannot get over you. Find me."
(d) The address of the narrator's work.

15. Who is Elgin arriving home with when the narrator sees him?
(a) His mother.
(b) Louise.
(c) Jacqueline.
(d) A new woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose mother does the narrator visit in search of Louise?

2. Where does the narrator get a job in the country?

3. Who convinces the narrator to leave Louise?

4. Which character is the symbol of mistrust in the novel?

5. What does the narrator first notice that is odd about the cottage upon returning?

(see the answer keys)

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