The Wrestling Match Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wrestling Match Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In this encounter at the stream, Kwutelu also accuses Okei and Nduka of doing what?
(a) Telling lies.
(b) Getting drunk.
(c) Attacking women.
(d) Stealing from elders.

2. How does Okei regard Obi Agiliga's guidance?
(a) Hopeful.
(b) Grateful.
(c) Distrustful.
(d) Unthankful.

3. Okei wakes earlier than the others in the compound following Kwutelu's injury, and he does what?
(a) Searches for Obi Agiliga to talk with him.
(b) Begins the day with his morning studies.
(c) Searches for Nkuka to work out with, but does not find him.
(d) Goes to the stream for his morning conditioning.

4. Nne Ojo is concerned when she sees that Obi Agiliga straps on his what?
(a) Sword.
(b) Big knives.
(c) Pistol.
(d) Machete.

5. When Obi Agiliga returns to the compound later that night following Kwutelu's injury, he and Nne Ojo discuss Okei's trust in them which they find to be what?
(a) Diminishing.
(b) Burgeoning.
(c) Nonexistent.
(d) Unsteady.

6. When Obi Agiliga talks with Okei he shares that he knows what?
(a) He believes Okei and his friends maimed someone.
(b) Okei has been named a leader.
(c) Okei has been training.
(d) He believes Okei and his friends killed someone.

7. Which individual approaches the girls and tells them that they should give their plantains to poor people?
(a) A crippled man.
(b) A crippled woman.
(c) An elderly woman.
(d) An elderly man.

8. The contest coincides with what farm celebration?
(a) The plantain festival.
(b) The yam festival.
(c) The plum festival.
(d) The berry festival.

9. Upon watching him demonstrate his skills with Nduka, what do the uneducated youths feel Okei's outcome will be?
(a) Partial victory.
(b) Complete defeate.
(c) Complete success.
(d) Minimal achievement.

10. What do Okei and Nduka begin to do in order to build up their strength?
(a) Wrestle.
(b) Box.
(c) Swim.
(d) Lift rocks.

11. What does Nne Ojo assure the young men searching for Okei?
(a) Okei and his uncle are looking for the criminal.
(b) Okei and his uncle are on a hunting expedition.
(c) Okei and his cousin are looking for the criminal.
(d) Okei and his friends are looking for the criminal.

12. When is it Josephine and her friends return to their village with their plantains following their unsuccessful day at the market?
(a) The evening, it is nearly dark.
(b) The evening, it is well past dark.
(c) The late afternoon.
(d) The middle of the afternoon.

13. The day following Josephine's unsuccessful market day, Okei and the boys from his village meet when to discuss the upcoming contest and practice their moves?
(a) Late afternoon, when it is not so hot.
(b) Early morning, at the stream.
(c) Middle of the afternoon, during the break from work.
(d) Evening, after work is done.

14. What is Okei's reaction to Obi Agiliga's level of ability following the length of time since his youth?
(a) Skepticism, doubt.
(b) Anticipation, acceptance.
(c) Amazement, pleasure.
(d) Hope, appreciation.

15. What does Kwutelu begin to do upon approaching Okei and Nduka where they practice?
(a) Ignore both Nduka and Okei.
(b) Taunt Okei.
(c) Praise Okei.
(d) Laugh.

Short Answer Questions

1. Nne Ojo can soon make out that Okei and his friends are accused of what?

2. Why is it one of the boys suggests that Okei obtain the skills and counsel of Obi Agiliga?

3. Okei relays what to his uncle regarding the accusation Obi Agiliga inquires about?

4. Obi Uju uses a huge knife with the intention of striking Okei in what location so he will only scar and not maim him?

5. How do villagers await the girls' on their way home from the market with unsold plantains?

(see the answer keys)

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