The World As I See It Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The World As I See It Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Einstein feel would lead to unemployment?
(a) a recession.
(b) a depression.
(c) too many people relying on welfare.
(d) not enough labor needed for production of goods.

2. What evoked religious notions in primitive man according to Einstein?
(a) fear.
(b) superstition.
(c) love.
(d) want.

3. What did Einstein think was the chief duty of the State?
(a) to enforce the law and arrest criminals.
(b) to support welfare programs.
(c) to keep the economy prosperous.
(d) protect the individual, giving him opportunity for creative growth.

4. What was Einstein in favor of abolishing?
(a) tax.
(b) politicians.
(c) large cities.
(d) technical advances.

5. How does Einstein feel one does the best service to his fellowmen?
(a) by sharing one's goods with them.
(b) by being a good example.
(c) by teaching them.
(d) by giving them some elevating work to do.

6. What did Einstein feel was the greatest obstacle to world order?
(a) nationalism or rather patriotism
(b) greed for money and power.
(c) human nature.
(d) ignorance.

7. How did Einstein view property, outward success and luxury?
(a) as goals to be attained.
(b) as contemptible.
(c) as necessary for everyone.
(d) as desirable.

8. Who, considered a heretic, does Einstein compare with Saint Francis of Assisi?
(a) Buddha.
(b) Voltaire.
(c) Spinoza.
(d) Confucious.

9. Buddhism is an example of what kind of religious feeling according to Einstein?
(a) fear-based.
(b) punitive.
(c) anthropomorphic.
(d) cosmic.

10. What was the cultural flowering of the Italian Renaissance based on?
(a) the liberation and comparative isolation of the individual.
(b) rich patrons who supported struggling artists.
(c) portraying the scriptures in painting and sculpture.
(d) the beauty of the Italian landscape and aid of the Pope.

11. How did Einstein plan to abolish unemployment?
(a) invent new jobs.
(b) lower salaries.
(c) build more factories.
(d) legally reduce the number of working hours per week.

12. To whom did Einstein compare conscientious objectors?
(a) eagles.
(b) heroes.
(c) victims.
(d) religious martyrs.

13. What is the prime cause of the moral collapse of the white race according to Einstein?
(a) greed.
(b) compulsory military service.
(c) alcohol.
(d) intolerance.

14. Who, in this materialistic world, are the most profoundly religious people according to Einstein?
(a) welfare workers.
(b) serious scientific workers.
(c) philanthropists.
(d) priests and ministers.

15. What did Einstein feel had to be gradually abolished as the political organization of Europe was strengthened?
(a) tariff barriers.
(b) dictatorships.
(c) different currencies.
(d) oligarchies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Einstein remind himself a hundred times a day?

2. What is the fate of the human race dependent on according to Einstein?

3. What fundamental emotion stands at the cradle of true art and true science?

4. To whom shouldn't we leave the struggle against armaments and against the war spirit according to Einstein?

5. What finally happens when businesses go smash?

(see the answer keys)

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