Wolves of the Calla Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wolves of the Calla Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Telling Tales: Chapter 4, The Priest's Tale Continued (Highways in Hiding), Chapter 5, The Tale of Gray Dick, and Chapter 6, Gran-Pere's Tale.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the symbol on the box where Callahan keeps his special object mean?
(a) Unaware.
(b) Unfound.
(c) Unlawful.
(d) Unknown.

2. Why is the vacant lot important?
(a) Because Roland believes that the Dark Tower is built upon it and exists there in the future.
(b) Because Eddie and Jake know it's valuable real estate in the future, and they want to buy it cheap so they can resell it and make a large amount of money.
(c) Because the mobsters think there is gold and other valuable minerals underneath the soil.
(d) Because on the lot grows a rose that has something to do with the Dark Tower.

3. When the ka-tet goes to sleep that night after meeting the villagers, what happens?
(a) Jake wanders off in the night.
(b) They all have the same dream
(c) They all have nightmares.
(d) All four of them todash to Manhattan.

4. When he asks, what description of the Wolves does Roland get?
(a) That they look just like other members of the Callas; they appear as farmers and ranchers.
(b) That they are wolves with grey or brown fur, sharp teeth, and bright yellow eyes.
(c) That no one knows exactly what they look like because no one has ever seen them.
(d) That there are approximately sixty of them and they ride gray horses.

5. What does Eddie find peculiar about the stranger's name?
(a) That it contains the word "Calla" and that it contains nineteen letters.
(b) That it is familiar to Eddie, but he can't figure out why.
(c) That he has heard of Susannah talk of him.
(d) That he knew a man with this name in his previous time.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is it about this village and its inhabitants that makes Roland feel so comfortable?

2. If Roland's suspicions about his body are correct, what is he afraid of?

3. For what does Tian use Tia?

4. What does Eddie notice about the stranger immediately?

5. Who calls a meeting of the men in the community to suggest that the people of the community stand up and fight against the wolves the next time they come?

(see the answer key)

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