The Witch of Blackbird Pond Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is left out again from the corn-husking festivities?
(a) Kit.
(b) Mercy.
(c) Matthew.
(d) Judith.

2. What are those individuals called who are against the rule of the king in the colonies?
(a) Anti-royalists.
(b) Puritans.
(c) Democrats.
(d) Libertarians.

3. Whom does John tell Kit he is in love with?
(a) Mercy.
(b) Hannah.
(c) Kit.
(d) Judith.

4. What does Kit realize one day as she watches her uncle gazing at his land?
(a) How hard he has had to fight for it.
(b) How much her uncle reminds her of her father.
(c) How similiar her uncle and Mercy look.
(d) How much she dislikes her uncle.

5. When Kit arrives at her aunt's house, what disturbing news does she hear about John Holbrook?
(a) He has given up school to be a sailor.
(b) He has decided that he too loves Kit.
(c) He has started working for the new governor.
(d) He has joined the militia to fight the Indians.

Short Answer Questions

1. What animal do the townspeople think Hannah has turned herself into in order to escape?

2. What crimes is Kit charged with at her trial?

3. Not long after John's departure, what happens to Judith?

4. Why do the townspeople come to Matthew's door saying they are going to get Hannah?

5. Why does Prudence's mother think of her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What plan do Kit and Prudence undertake to teach Prudence to read?

2. Where is Kit taken when she is arrested and who comes to visit her?

3. What happens to Judith soon after John's departure for the militia? What then happens to Mercy and many others in town?

4. How does Kit feel about fixing the roof with Nat?

5. How does Nat treat Kit when the Dolphin comes back to dock in the autumn and why does he do this?

6. How do Prudence's parents view her and treat her?

7. Instead of going to the husking bee, what does John want to do and what is Judith's response to this?

8. How does Matthew feel when he hears that Andros is now governor of Connecticut?

9. When does corn husking take place and what is done at a corn husking?

10. When Kit goes to the Dolphin to see Nat , what item does he ask her to take to Hannah and why can't he do it?

(see the answer keys)

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