Winter's Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

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Winter's Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Shalon, Sarene, Harine, and Cadsuane go?
(a) To the Hall of Counsels.
(b) To register with the city guard.
(c) To the Crown of Maredo Inn.
(d) To the Temple of the Great Lord.

2. What does Bethamin Zeami want to be?
(a) The leader of the sul'dam at the Last Battle.
(b) Suroth's best sul'dam.
(c) Free from the Seanchan.
(d) Da'covale.

3. Whom is Rand following when he is struck in the head?
(a) Rochaid.
(b) Tenobia.
(c) Min.
(d) An unnamed Aes Sedai.

4. What does the voice tell Rand?
(a) He needs to get more respect from the Seanchan.
(b) He should learn how to control saidin.
(c) It is very dangerous to be where he is.
(d) He should cleanse saidin.

5. About what is Egwene troubled in Chapter 26?
(a) That Rand is becoming more and more irrational.
(b) That Perrin will not resist the draw to come back to where she and Elayne are visiting.
(c) An upcoming attempt to conquer Tar Valon.
(d) That Rand will be murdered before the Last Battle.

6. What does Mat notice when he is about the city?
(a) The high number of guards at the wharf.
(b) The number of Aes Sedai that are captured.
(c) The number of refugees leaving Ebou Dar.
(d) The high number of guards around the palace.

7. What is a Seeker of Truth?
(a) A Seanchan spy and questioner.
(b) Tylin's torturer.
(c) Rand's second in command of his spy network.
(d) A Whitecloak questioner.

8. How many bodyguards has Birgitte selected?
(a) 10.
(b) 5.
(c) 32.
(d) 150.

9. How does Cadsuane help Rand?
(a) She convinces the First Counsel that Rand is not a threat.
(b) She distracts the city guard so Rand can get away before he is thrown in prison.
(c) She gets him out of prison.
(d) She puts the prison guards to sleep and gives Rand time to make a gateway.

10. What decision does Tylin make at the opening to Chapter 28?
(a) To sell Mat to Tuon.
(b) To not allow Mat to leave Ebou Dar.
(c) To leave Ebou Dar for a few weeks.
(d) To marry Mat.

11. Whom does Rand see in a table at the inn?
(a) Perrin.
(b) Lan.
(c) Mat.
(d) Thom.

12. What do the Seanchan leave in Ebou Dar when many of their ships leave?
(a) Only an administrative counsel.
(b) Several raken messengers.
(c) A large army.
(d) A strong garrison.

13. Where do Elayne and Egwene go in the dream world?
(a) The Stone of Tear.
(b) Far Madding.
(c) Ebou Dar.
(d) Emond's Field.

14. For whom is the army that Elayne visits looking in Chapter 27?
(a) Rand.
(b) Elayne.
(c) Elaida.
(d) Egwene.

15. How does the gholam kill?
(a) Sucking all the blood out of them.
(b) Eating their still beating heart.
(c) Tearing out a person's throat.
(d) Poison knives.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the innkeeper at Bethamin's inn, who is looking for Bethamin?

2. Who is with Tylin when Mat arrives back at the palace?

3. What do Rand and Lan expect to find on Blue Carp Street?

4. What do Elayne and Norry discuss in Chapter 27?

5. Whom does Mat intend to free?

(see the answer keys)

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