Winter's Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Winter's Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Perrin go back to Berelain's tent despite what some in the camp say?
(a) Berelain is Faile's best friend and knows her well.
(b) She may have information about Faile.
(c) She is trying to comfort him.
(d) She does not think he is being too concerned about Faile.

2. How does her captor motivate Faile to keep moving?
(a) He throws snow in her face.
(b) He jerks on her leash.
(c) He points his knife at her neck.
(d) He slaps her on her backside.

3. What does Cyndane tell the group about what Rand holds?
(a) She says Rand is able to hold saidin indefinitely.
(b) She tells them Rand has the Choedan Kal.
(c) She says Rand holds the key to the True Power.
(d) She says Rand now keeps Callandor nearby at all times.

4. Whom does Perrin meet in the wolf dream?
(a) The Great Lord.
(b) Hopper.
(c) Slayer.
(d) His wife.

5. Why is Demandred angry?
(a) That Rand has been seen in several locations.
(b) That the Great Lord refuses to allow Rand's death.
(c) That Moridin has given out advantages to Lanfear.
(d) That Osan'gar was forgiven.

6. What is Basil Gill's job in the camp?
(a) Weapons master.
(b) Strategist.
(c) Horse master.
(d) Running Faile's household.

7. What do Elayne, Min and Aviendha do to Rand?
(a) Tattoo him.
(b) Confine him so he cannot go to the White Tower.
(c) Bond him.
(d) Nothing.

8. Who is arguing with Cadsuane?
(a) Egwene.
(b) Shalon.
(c) Harine.
(d) Nynaeve.

9. What does Faile learn about her situation from the servant in Chapter 3?
(a) Almost nothing.
(b) That they will seek ransom for the captives.
(c) That she is with the Shaido Aiel.
(d) That they plan to sacrifice the new captives.

10. Who expresses concern for Elayne's safety when they are riding through the streets of Caemlyn?
(a) Egwene.
(b) Birgitte.
(c) Sareitha.
(d) Mellar.

11. In Chapter 4, how are the new captives dressed?
(a) All in black.
(b) They are dressed in their own clothing which was brought along.
(c) All in white with gold belts and collars.
(d) They are forced to remain naked.

12. What does Mat hear in his head?
(a) A warning from his Papa.
(b) A song he wrote for Tylin Quintara Mitsobar.
(c) Dice tumbling.
(d) A song he wrote for Egwene.

13. What is the majority of Perrin's forces doing when he approaches camp in the beginning?
(a) They are training with their weapons.
(b) They are having dinner.
(c) They are sleeping.
(d) They are mounted and ready to ride.

14. Who introduces him/herself to Mat?
(a) Tylin Quintara Mitsobar.
(b) Suroth.
(c) Noal Charin.
(d) Tuon.

15. What do people in camp believe of Perrin?
(a) That he sold his own wife to the Aiel.
(b) That he has become sexually involved with Berelain.
(c) That he should have protected Faile better.
(d) That he is too obsessed with rescuing Faile.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Faile almost freeze during the march?

2. Whom is Mat with as he tries to get through the streets of Ebou Dar?

3. Why does Perrin need to leave the wolf dream?

4. What happens to people who fight against the Seanchan?

5. What do two women in the warn say to Demandred?

(see the answer keys)

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