Winter in the Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Winter in the Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the weather like on the day the narrator and his brother go out to the range?
(a) Sunny.
(b) Overcast, but warm.
(c) Cold and windy.
(d) Just cloudy.

2. When the narrator visits the old man, what problem of age does the old man have?
(a) He has ulcers.
(b) He is blind.
(c) He is diabetic.
(d) He cannot walk.

3. While he is in Havre, what kind of car does the narrator end up buying?
(a) A Skylark.
(b) A Chevy.
(c) A Buick.
(d) A Falcon.

4. After hitching a ride to Havre with a woman, what stops the narrator from raping her the next morning?
(a) A child in the kitchen.
(b) Her attitude.
(c) His conscience.
(d) A noise outside.

5. While the narrator is out on the range with his brother, what animal do they let lead the herd?
(a) A pair of calves.
(b) A young bull.
(c) An old spinster.
(d) A pair of heifers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator call the shack on the hill near his home?

2. When the narrator works in the rehabilitation clinic, why does he decide to leave?

3. After the encounter with Long Knife, where does the narrator hear that his girlfriend has gone?

4. In Malta, what subject does the narrator argue with the other hotel bar patrons about?

5. What does Lame Bull start wearing as the new proprietor of a large ranch?

Short Essay Questions

1. While he is in town, where does the narrator spend most of his time and how does this contribute to his trouble?

2. Based on his reactions so far, does the narrator seem to be a compassionate person? Why or why not?

3. Does the white traveling man give the narrator a positive or a negative example of how white men treat Native Americans? Why?

4. Based on the information the author has given us up to Chapter Sixteen, how is the narrator's financial situation?

5. What attitude do the narrator's people have toward the Cree people, and how is this shown?

6. Other than his family members, how does the narrator interact with women?

7. When the narrator left the reservation and went to Tacoma, why did he leave his job there and how does this fit into the narrator's backward feelings about his heritage?

8. How does Lame Bull treat the narrator and how does it affect him?

9. After meeting with his girlfriend and being beaten, why does the narrator agree to drink with another woman?

10. At the beginning of the book, how does the grandmother feel about the girl the narrator has brought home, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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