Winesburg, Ohio Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Winesburg, Ohio Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the woman Dr. Reefy marries leave him when she dies?
(a) Her farm.
(b) Her brother.
(c) Her cat.
(d) Her money.

2. Why is it Jesse's fault his wife dies?
(a) She has a broken heart.
(b) He has been hitting her.
(c) She is too delicate to live on a farm.
(d) He poisons her.

3. What body part does Wing use to help him talk?
(a) His arms.
(b) His head.
(c) His mouth.
(d) His hands.

4. How do the neighbors feel about the swampland Jesse buys?
(a) The laugh and hope he loses money.
(b) They ignore him for taking up so much space.
(c) They are fearful of what he builds.
(d) They are grateful to help him improve it.

5. How does Jesse feel about David's disappearance at the end of this story?
(a) He is filled with guilt.
(b) It doesn't surprise him.
(c) He is happy that David is independent.
(d) It makes him cry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elizabeth take out of a cloth bag that hangs on the wall by a nail?

2. What does Joe tell George and Sarah's father at the Willard house?

3. What does Dr. Parcival tell George he does for a living?

4. What does Alice sometimes do with her blanket?

5. How does George feel at the end of the story when he is at the drug store?

Short Essay Questions

1. Even though Seth is called the "deep one", how is this untrue?

2. What does Elizabeth and George watch happen in the alley?

3. The day that Kate is not in her room in "The Strength of God", what is the Reverend's sermon about?

4. What does Tom fear about his life in the story "Mother"?

5. How does the author compare Dr. Reefy to the twisted apples of Winesburg?

6. How does Enoch want to explain his art to his artist friends in New York City?

7. What are the paper pills?

8. What happens to Ray and his emotions when he is out buying groceries?

9. What do Seth and Helen talk about on their walk?

10. As revealed in the story "Death", why does Elizabeth marry Tom?

(see the answer keys)

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