The Winds of War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winds of War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to the men who were imprisoned with Teddy Gallard?
(a) They were sent to concentration camps.
(b) They were tortured.
(c) They escaped.
(d) They were executed.

2. What submarine is Byron posted on in Part 3?
(a) The Dauntless.
(b) The Tuna.
(c) The Devilfish.
(d) The Codfish.

3. According to Victor, what would Americans rather expend in war?
(a) Money.
(b) Machinery and technology.
(c) Human lives.
(d) Time.

4. To which ship is Victor assigned after his first command sinks?
(a) The Alabama.
(b) The California.
(c) The Northampton.
(d) The Arizona.

5. In 1941, what news does Natalie send Byron in a letter?
(a) She is pregnant.
(b) His parents are divorcing.
(c) She wants a divorce.
(d) Warren is dead.

6. Who cooks Victor a meal in his flat after he returns from a bomber mission?
(a) Rhoda.
(b) Pamela.
(c) Madeline.
(d) Natalie.

7. According to Roon, what month should the Germans have attacked London?
(a) June.
(b) August.
(c) December.
(d) October.

8. Which prisoner of war does Victor visit while in Berlin?
(a) Armin von Roon.
(b) Wolf Stoller.
(c) Grobke.
(d) Teddy Gallard.

9. Who does the President send on a mission to the North Atlantic?
(a) Byron.
(b) Warren.
(c) Victor.
(d) Kip.

10. What is the "Royal Oak"?
(a) A book written by Armin von Roon.
(b) One of Roosevelt's secret missions.
(c) A foreign policy program designed by Victor.
(d) A British ship sunk by a German U-boat.

11. To whom does Victor declare his love while away from home?
(a) Leslie.
(b) Janice.
(c) Pamela.
(d) Natalie.

12. What does Byron want Victor to ask the President?
(a) For transport back to New York.
(b) To help Natalie and Aaron escape Italy.
(c) To allow Victor to stay at home.
(d) For money.

13. Who does Aaron request that Natalie contact in Chapter 26?
(a) Pamela Tudsbury.
(b) Palmer Kirby.
(c) Leslie Slote.
(d) Berel Jastrow.

14. What news does Natalie send Byron in a telegram in Part 3?
(a) Aaron is dead.
(b) She wants a divorce.
(c) She has given birth to a son.
(d) Warren is dead.

15. What complaint does Rhoda have as the family leaves Warren's wedding reception?
(a) The war is interrupting their family time.
(b) Warren made a mistake.
(c) All of her children are leaving her.
(d) She has no family left.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Victor react to the proposed bribe from the Germans?

2. What regret does Natalie have after her father's death?

3. What does Aaron receive in Part 3?

4. Why doesn't General Roon attend the hunt after Stroller's dinner party?

5. Which character does Janice tend after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

(see the answer keys)

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