Willow Test | Final Test - Easy

Julia Hoban
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Willow Test | Final Test - Easy

Julia Hoban
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Willow get away from the group after seeing Guy for the first time since the incident in the stacks?
(a) She pretends she has a phone call.
(b) She fakes a migraine.
(c) She trips and falls.
(d) She says she has to go to class.

2. Why does Willow know that Guy is the one?
(a) He praises her.
(b) He feels safe with her.
(c) He takes care of her.
(d) He doesn't judge her.

3. How does Willow's encounter with Markie change her?
(a) She is able to go in her house.
(b) She apologizes.
(c) She talks openly about the accident.
(d) She cries for the first time.

4. What does Willow do after her fight with David?
(a) Cuts herself.
(b) Takes a walk.
(c) Goes for a drive.
(d) Writes a poem.

5. Where is Guy waiting for Willow the morning after her fight with David?
(a) The kitchen.
(b) The front steps.
(c) Her car.
(d) The school entrance.

6. What does Willow feel like doing at the end of the book?
(a) Calling old friends.
(b) Making a new start.
(c) Sleeping with Guy.
(d) Smiling.

7. Where does Willow kiss Guy for the first time?
(a) The stacks.
(b) The park.
(c) The mall.
(d) Her bedroom.

8. Why does Willow think Cathy and David haven't asked her to do something?
(a) They don't trust her.
(b) They feel sorry for her.
(c) All of these.
(d) They are trying to get rid of her.

9. What does Willow let go of at the end of the book?
(a) Her school work.
(b) The razorblades.
(c) The life she knew.
(d) Her relationship.

10. Why does Guy act relieved when he sees Willow the morning after her fight with David?
(a) Her arms are not cut.
(b) She is not in trouble.
(c) She is walking around.
(d) She is talking to him.

11. Why does Willow choose to go somewhere with Chloe?
(a) She hates going to class.
(b) She doesn't want to see Guy.
(c) She doesn't have the energy to say no.
(d) She wants to talk about what happened.

12. Where do Willow and Guy make love for the first time?
(a) David's house.
(b) The car.
(c) Willow's house.
(d) The stacks.

13. What does Willow want to show David during their talk?
(a) Her heart.
(b) Her room.
(c) Her scars.
(d) Her grades.

14. Where does Guy give Willow a drink the day after her babysitting experience?
(a) The locker room.
(b) Her house.
(c) The library.
(d) The chemistry lab.

15. What does Willow find a reminder from her mother to do?
(a) Get her license.
(b) Turn in her homework.
(c) Get a new glasses prescription.
(d) Get some orange juice.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Willow and David have a big fight?

2. Where is Willow at the end of the book?

3. How does Willow feel when she sees David walking toward her on the street?

4. What does Willow do when she finds a reminder not from her mother?

5. Where did Willow cut herself after her fight with David?

(see the answer keys)

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