Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail Test | Final Test - Medium

Cheryl Strayed
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail Test | Final Test - Medium

Cheryl Strayed
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What campground did the girls drop Cheryl off at by the PCT in Chapter 10: “Range of Light”?
(a) Black Butte Campground.
(b) Whitehorse Campground.
(c) Kangaroo Lake Campground.
(d) Medicine Lake Campground.

2. How did Lou's son die?
(a) He died from cancer.
(b) He was shot.
(c) He had an aneurysm.
(d) He was hit by a truck.

3. What creatures covered Cheryl when she awoke after drinking from the reservoir in Chapter 12: “This Far”?
(a) Lizards.
(b) Frogs.
(c) Field mice.
(d) Crickets.

4. Crater Lake's depth is more than how many feet?
(a) 1,900.
(b) 3,200.
(c) 2,100.
(d) 4,100.

5. What new book did Cheryl begin reading in Chapter 16: “Mazama”?
(a) The Ten Thousand Things.
(b) The Pacific Crest Trail: Part I: California.
(c) The Dream of a Common Language.
(d) The Best American Essays 1991.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Stacy's friend that Cheryl met at the hostel in Ashland in Chapter 15: “Box of Rain”?

2. How many nights in the past month did Cheryl tell Jimmy she had slept with a roof over her head in Chapter 11: “The Lou Out of Lou”?

3. What American Indian tribe described the eruption of Mount Mazama as a battle between Llao and Skell?

4. What name did Cheryl's mother go by?

5. When did Catherine Montgomery suggest the idea of the PCT to Joseph T. Hazard?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens during Cheryl's day on the beach in Chapter 15: “Box of Rain”?

2. Where does Cheryl pick up her resupply box in Chapter 10: “Range of Light”? Who does she encounter in this town?

3. What dream keeps recurring for Cheryl in Chapter 14: “Wild”? What does she make of the dream?

4. Where does Cheryl meet a romantic interest in Chapter 15: “Box of Rain”? Who is this individual?

5. What does Cheryl encounter when she arrives at Olallie Lake in Chapter 18: “Queen of the PCT”?

6. What positive feelings about her mother does Cheryl reveal in Chapter 16: “Mazama”?

7. How does Cheryl respond to the situation when she discovers the water tank empty after crossing Hat Creek Rim in Chapter 12: "This Far"?

8. Who is the reporter that Cheryl encounters in Chapter 11: “The Lou Out of Lou”? What happens during their exchange?

9. What realization does Cheryl reach regarding her father in Chapter 14: “Wild”?

10. How is the weather described in the beginning of Chapter 18: “Queen of the PCT”? How is Cheryl's mindset as she approaches the end of her journey?

(see the answer keys)

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