Wideacre Test | Final Test - Medium

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wideacre Test | Final Test - Medium

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does John drive Beatrice one day?
(a) To town.
(b) To church.
(c) To the sea.
(d) To the mountains.

2. What had been a tradition for generations regarding the wheat harvest which Beatrice no longer honors?
(a) A harvest ball is held on the last night of the reaping.
(b) The young children earn prizes during harvest games.
(c) The oldest boys may drive the horses.
(d) The reapers may take what is left over from the harvest.

3. Who does Celia think is Julia's father?
(a) Ira.
(b) The Culler.
(c) Robert.
(d) Harry.

4. How much medicine does Beatrice tell Celia to give Mama at a certain time?
(a) One drop before bedtime.
(b) Two teaspoons before dinner.
(c) Two capsules at bedtime.
(d) The whole bottle.

5. What causes Mama to pass out in the library?
(a) Seeing Beatrice and Harry making love.
(b) Paint fumes overwhelm her.
(c) She gets up from her chair too quickly.
(d) A statue falls on her head.

Short Answer Questions

1. What have the people of Wideacre called upon Beatrice to do again?

2. Which of the following is NOT a tool Harry and Beatrice use to come up with the money to buy out the entail?

3. How does Beatrice pay for the entail?

4. Which of the following does Beatrice NOT think after she is left alone in the house?

5. Who do John and Beatrice encounter while at the shore?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Beatrice reinforce her ploy to have John sent away by planting a bottle of liquor in his room?

2. Explain Beatrice's perspective on love.

3. What foreshadowing does the author create to indicate the imminent fate of Wideacre and its inhabitants?

4. How does Beatrice know that Ralph has returned?

5. How does Beatrice try to explain the "early" birth of her child?

6. What instructions does John provide to care for Mama who has had a major shock?

7. How does Beatrice ultimately handle the pregnancy?

8. What is the tradition of the wheat doll on the last day of the harvest?

9. What inadvertently happens to restore John's reputation as a doctor?

10. Explain how the impending storm is a metaphor for Beatrice's death?

(see the answer keys)

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