I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bailey do in response to his mother's dislike of his lifestyle?
(a) moves out
(b) quits hanging with his friends
(c) slaps her
(d) goes back to school

2. What does Dolores complain about when Maya and her father come in from the trip?
(a) Maya is wearing his jacket.
(b) They are late.
(c) He forgot some ingredients.
(d) He has cheated on her.

3. How does Maya's mother's home seem to her after returning from her father's?
(a) noisy and confusing
(b) boring
(c) exciting
(d) smaller and quieter

4. Why does Maya start cutting school?
(a) She thinks she has enough education.
(b) She hates reading.
(c) She does not have much in common with the girls at school.
(d) She does not like the principal.

5. What does Maya's mother think of Maya's fear of becoming a lesbian?
(a) It might be based in fact.
(b) It is scary.
(c) It is possible.
(d) It is silly.

6. Why does Maya drive the car back to Calexico?
(a) Her father takes off for South America.
(b) she does not drive the car because she is too young.
(c) Her father is drunk.
(d) Her father is sick.

7. How do Momma and Willie see Momma's confrontation with the dentist?
(a) as par for the course
(b) as a step backwards
(c) as a victory
(d) as a failure

8. How does the black community treat the graduates of Lafayette Training School?
(a) like royalty
(b) like college graduates
(c) like laborers
(d) no different than anyone else

9. Where does Maya's father work?
(a) he's a soldier
(b) at the library
(c) at a naval hospital
(d) at a school

10. How does Maya get to her new school in San Francisco?
(a) subway
(b) street car
(c) bus
(d) walks

11. Why does Maya have trouble concentrating at the first school she attends in San Francisco?
(a) The school is mostly Chinese.
(b) The school sits next to the subway.
(c) The school is filled with troubled girls.
(d) There are a lot of cute boys.

12. Where does Vivian go when she leaves Maya and Momma in St. Louis?
(a) Florida
(b) San Francisco
(c) Stamps
(d) New York

13. Why does Maya's mother wake her and Bailey at night?
(a) because she's drunk
(b) to drill them about their school work
(c) to move them out of her room
(d) for biscuits and chocolate milk

14. What happens after the baby is born?
(a) She goes to Stamps.
(b) She gets pregnant again.
(c) She wants another baby.
(d) Maya is afraid to touch him.

15. What does Willie tell Bailey is the reason white people hate blacks so much?
(a) White people feel inferior to blacks.
(b) Whites have no souls.
(c) Whites are afraid of blacks.
(d) White people made black people slaves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Maya tell her father about Dolores?

2. What do Bailey and Maya have in common since her return from her father's?

3. Where do the black people who move into Maya's neighborhood during the war go to work?

4. What does Maya's mother tell her when she is worried about raising a child?

5. How does Maya imagine the confrontation between Momma and the dentist?

(see the answer keys)

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