I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Maya's mother think of Maya's fear of becoming a lesbian?
(a) It is possible.
(b) It is silly.
(c) It is scary.
(d) It might be based in fact.

2. Where does Momma tell Maya and Bailey they will be going to live?
(a) with their father
(b) with their aunt
(c) in Florida
(d) with their mother

3. What do the boys in the gang do for money?
(a) sweep out pool halls and mow lawns
(b) shine shoes
(c) steal
(d) con people

4. Where does Vivian go when she leaves Maya and Momma in St. Louis?
(a) Florida
(b) San Francisco
(c) Stamps
(d) New York

5. How many black doctors and dentists does Stamps have?
(a) one
(b) none
(c) five
(d) two

6. How does Maya's mother's home seem to her after returning from her father's?
(a) boring
(b) exciting
(c) noisy and confusing
(d) smaller and quieter

7. How does Maya feel about the threat of bombings during the war?
(a) indifferent
(b) frightened
(c) unbelieving
(d) at home

8. Where does Maya's father work?
(a) at a naval hospital
(b) he's a soldier
(c) at a school
(d) at the library

9. How does Dolores feel about Maya?
(a) She wants to adopt her.
(b) She is afraid of her.
(c) She likes her.
(d) She is jealous of her.

10. How is Bailey changing in San Francisco?
(a) He is quieter.
(b) He is more timid.
(c) He is becoming more street smart.
(d) He is more studious.

11. Why does Maya drive the car back to Calexico?
(a) Her father is drunk.
(b) Her father is sick.
(c) she does not drive the car because she is too young.
(d) Her father takes off for South America.

12. What does the pregnancy prove to Maya, in her mind?
(a) She is not a lesbian.
(b) She likes boys.
(c) She is a woman.
(d) She can have children.

13. Why is Maya worried about seeing her mother again?
(a) She feels guilty about the rape.
(b) She thinks her mother loves Bailey better.
(c) She is afraid her mother has changed.
(d) She is afraid of her mother's boyfriend.

14. What does Mrs. Taylor's funeral do to Maya?
(a) makes the word "death" real
(b) makes her sad
(c) makes her happy
(d) helps her grow up

15. What does her stepfather teach her about con men?
(a) how to join them
(b) to stay away from them
(c) how to spot them
(d) how to con them

Short Answer Questions

1. What book does Maya read that exposes her to lesbianism?

2. What do the people at graduation sing after the valedictorian's speech?

3. How does Maya feel about communication with the dead?

4. Why can Maya not become a lesbian, according to her mother?

5. What does Bailey do in response to his mother's dislike of his lifestyle?

(see the answer keys)

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