Whoever Fights Monsters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Whoever Fights Monsters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Diane wake up to discover had happened to her?
(a) She was tied up.
(b) Her throat was slit.
(c) She was in another house.
(d) Her toes were cut.

2. Ressler thought Dahmer's sentence of __________ was not something that would teach anyone anything.
(a) 10 years.
(b) Life sentence.
(c) Death.
(d) 30 years.

3. What mental disorder did Duane say that he had, which was the cause for his actions, though Ressler proved otherwise?
(a) Paranoid delusions.
(b) PTSD.
(c) Insomnia.
(d) Sleepwalking.

4. Ressler decided it was time to put together a ___________ to ensure that law enforcement had access to all case files.
(a) Criminal database.
(b) Task force.
(c) Committee.
(d) Book.

5. There were a series of _______ in Bozeman, Montana, that caused people to turn to Ressler for help.
(a) Economic troubles.
(b) Random animal killings.
(c) Kidnappings.
(d) Mental ward cases.

6. What did the killer in #177 claim to be the reason behind his actions?
(a) PTSD.
(b) His raging headaches.
(c) A small voice in his head.
(d) The victims asked him to kill them.

7. What is one of the books that Ressler helped with in order to ensure its truthfulness?
(a) The Shining.
(b) One Way Out.
(c) Silence of the Lambs.
(d) It.

8. What was the weapon that Duane had gotten in order to hurt the women?
(a) Gun.
(b) Machete.
(c) Filleting knife.
(d) A meat cleaver.

9. Whom did Kemper have to live with after his parents decided they didn't want anything to do with him?
(a) Foster parents.
(b) Grandparents.
(c) His brother.
(d) His aunt.

10. What did Duane say he asked one of the women to do or else he would kill her?
(a) Cut his stomach.
(b) Strip for him.
(c) Give him all her money.
(d) Bring her daughter into the room.

11. What was the name of the other woman who was at the house in addition to the woman with the daughter?
(a) Diane.
(b) Fran.
(c) Anne.
(d) Judy.

12. Whom did Kemper call after he killed his grandparents during one of his serial killings?
(a) His father.
(b) His mother.
(c) His sister.
(d) The police.

13. What was Duane Samples' job?
(a) Counselor.
(b) Doctor.
(c) Teacher.
(d) Boy Scout leader.

14. Who supposedly was the source of the staged information that the police received?
(a) The Zodiac Killer.
(b) A concerned citizen.
(c) The CIA.
(d) White supremacist group.

15. The killer, in his staging, said that he would kill a ___________ until the police were able to solve the murder.
(a) Black man.
(b) Black woman.
(c) White man.
(d) White woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. Glatman was a serial killer who said that the women asked him to ________ and then to kill them.

2. Who did not believe that John was serious when he made the statements about killing women?

3. Monte Rissell was a serial _________ who was put into a mental hospital after committing his crimes.

4. What do criminals try to do sometimes in order to throw police off when solving a crime?

5. Ressler learned later that the governor of ________ had commuted Samples' sentence, so he came in to help.

(see the answer keys)

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